Sunday, July 17, 2011

Referral Program

Just a reminder that in exactly two months we are going to be drawing one lucky client's name to win six months of free grooming!  All you have to do is refer a new client and when they fill out their client card have them put down your name when they answer the question "How did you hear about us?"

You are entered for each person you refer, so start talking! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Second Hand Hounds

I just wanted to let all of you know that Heidi's Elite Pet Grooming has started working with Second Hand Hounds.  Each month we will be grooming five rescue dogs for them in hopes of helping them find their forever homes!  You can go to to see the many adorable dogs and cats they have up for adoption.
This is a great rescue organization that is run by wonderful, dedicated people.  They have so many volunteers who have opened their hearts and homes to these well deserving pets!  Way to go Second Hand Hounds!